This Philosophy is Missing from Animal Rights
There’s an old story about two young fish swimming along. They come across an older fish and he says “morning boys, how’s the water?.” They youngsters keep swimming and eventually one turns to the other and says “what the hell is water?”
To the fish, water is all around them but hidden in plain sight. That begs this next question, what’s the water for us? Is there anything around us that’s so obvious, yet hidden in plain sight? In his famous commencement speech, David Foster Wallace posits that it’s our inner world.
Our thoughts, feelings, and choices. When you’re stuck in traffic, do you focus on the negative or use the time to listen to an interesting podcast? When you think about animal farmers, do you think they’re all terrible people, or recognize that they were probably born into a farming family and brainwashed to think forcibly impregnating cows is normal? It’s easy to get caught in negative thought loops and much harder to remain aware, compassionate, and focused on your goals.
This idea is at the heart of Stoicism, the philosophy that I think is missing from animal rights. Vegans constantly talk about utilitarianism and deontology, but Stoicism gets a bad rap because people think it’s about being unemotional or uncaring. In reality, Stoicism is about narrowing your focus to what you can control.
My thoughts have been pretty negative these last couple weeks because my videos haven’t gained much traction on Instagram. I would post a video, see it bomb, and let it get me down for a few hours.
But Stoicism reminds me that I can’t control the Instagram algorithm. I can’t control their new updates (which seemed to make things worse). The only thing I can control is the quality of my content and the effort I put into it.
As vegans, there’s so much we can’t control. We can’t control the collusion between the meat industry and the government. We can’t control the constant propaganda claiming that vegan diets are unhealthy. We can’t stop the billions of animals who are being tortured on factory farms right now. And most of all, we can’t make anyone go vegan.
All we can control is our work and actions. Did we do everything we could today to help fight for animals? Are we being a positive influence on the people around us? Are we using our unique strengths to challenge carnism?
Let’s continue to run smart campaigns and make the world a better place.
Huge shout out to everyone who helped with the Mark Jacobs campaign! They announced a fur-free policy on Sunday, and I’m incredibly proud of my friends who have been working hard on that for months. Since they were the last major retailer still using fur in the US, most efforts will now shift to Europe.
What I’m Watching: This is Water by David Foster Wallace
I already touched on my main takeaways from this, but I do think it’s worth a watch. Wallace emphasizes the importance of being aware of your thoughts and choosing how react to everyday situations. Ultimately he suggests that true freedom comes from being able to adjust your thoughts and choose to view difficult situations with empathy, compassion, and love. It’s a shame he killed himself at such a young age.
What I’m Reading: Regenesis by George Monbiot
The meat industry is really pushing this “regenerative” narrative, and unfortunately it’s working. My coworker attended a climate conference and almost everyone there was totally onboard with the fantasy that more cows will somehow reverse climate change. This book is a great counter to that narrative, and George breaks down the science surrounding the myth. He also proposes solutions to the major issues with our food system. Definitely worth reading.
My Latest Video:
We’re still running our Spring Fundraiser at Pro-Animal Future, so it’s not too late to donate!
Anyone who signs up as a monthly donor (or increases their donation) from now until June 30th will receive a set of Pro-Animal stickers in the mail.
Plus, anyone who commits to donating at least $27 per month will receive stickers and an exclusive, double-sided 25oz Pro-Animal Future travel mug (I’ve been using it to keep my water super cold)
Until next time,